Academy Program

Hebrews 6: 11   “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized. 12  We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”


The Academy student is ready to commit to a lifestyle of dance. They dream of vocational dancing or preparing for the future with dance as an integral part of their lives. These students have the same physical demand as an athlete and are willing to train with the help of a support team. Placement in these classes is based on an evaluation from the director.

Our Year-Round Season is 11 months of classes from the 2nd week of August to mid-June with a full performance Production on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of June.  For new students, please schedule a placement meeting with the Director through email or phone call.  

Level 2: Ballet/Tap/Jazz (2 days a week required)Academy Dancer

These classes will emphasize building strength through more repetitions and consistency of movement. There is added expectation on the control through the coordination of all of the parts of the body. This very important level sets the foundations for all of the levels that follow and is vital in establishing a firm base on which future training will be based.

2 hours of Ballet technique, 1 hour of Jazz technique, 1 hour of Tap technique a week

Level 3: Ballet/Beginner Pointe/Jazz/Modern

Students at this level will study ballet vocabulary, focusing on the development of the legs and feet with the introduction of pre-pointe and beginner pointe work.  Jazz is continually challenged and grown with strength & flexibility. Contemporary and Modern movement is introduced as an expression of emotions.  

3-4 hours of Ballet technique, 1 hour of Jazz, 1 hour of Modern a week

Level 4: Ballet/Pointe/Modern/Jazz

Ballet technique continues to be emphasized with more advanced choreography and curriculum. Pointe work is also included in this level. Contemporary, Modern, and Jazz technique is refined while expressing more in-depth storytelling and purpose through the art of dance. Dancers are challenged in every aspect of training and performance. Students at this level are eligible for Principle and Lead roles at the end of year Production. 

6 hours of Ballet technique, 1.5 hours of Jazz, 1.5 hours of Modern a week


Dance Company:

We offer different levels of performing groups in order to provide more opportunities and growth for students.  Each Company consists of students who will audition to be selected for each specific group.  A student must be enrolled in a regular class to participate in Dance Company.

Rehearsals & Classes are once a week.  Times and fees will be presented during the audition process. If you are interested and want more information please contact the Artistic Director Christie Garrett at    

Privates are scheduled based on teacher availability. Please contact the office for details and price.

Note: Schedule is based upon enrollment.